Wednesday, November 18, 2009

"sometimes we were in such a hurry to get out of where we were, that we forgot to stop and look to see where we were going."

"life is a journey, just dont forget to stop and take a look at the scenery."

"Don't be afraid to fall, because if you do you can just get back up again"

Monday, September 7, 2009

if its so simple why is it so hard?

No matter our creed, creto, color, background, social status, wealth or income.
we should all receive the same treatment, pay the same amount. and i m not just talking health care. i am soooo sick of people complaining about the plans our president is trying to implement, he is trying to help with out spoon feeding us. people are commenting on the plans and not actually knowing what they are or doing research themselves. instead of actually reading into them, they site only the what the commercial and non accredited articles are saying and they arent listening. Open your ears, and mainly your eyes! you morons, take a look around and see all of us that need help, we are not all money grubbers or border jumpers or what ever the hell you think the catergory should be or has been called! i am lower middle class white america and i have been in the welfare system when i needed it, collected unemployment when i needed it and didnt exploit it at all. i lost my house, have no health insurance and still cannot get help bc of the messed up standards of this country. And all that is trying to be done is to equalize the balance that is out there bc right now it is completely off the fulcrum. and i for one welcome change, whether it is perfect or not as long as it works, helps and is a starting point. you people need to start waking up and realizing the true way things have been and where it needs to go!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

state of the union

Well i've been thinking alot lately about our country and how its doing and the people leading it. and our government is failing us and letting us down. "We the People" are struggling and striving for "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" but we are drowning in the medocraty and fear of our leaders. afraid to stand up to one another afraid to lose. i mean this nation has become so consumed by greed and those greedy people that refuse to take pay cuts so that the rest of us could still have jobs, heaven forbid you make less than fifty thou a year. omg the world would end. but what they fail to relize is that we the people are the ones that support this nation and if we cannot support this nation, than the world will end. look at all the bankruptcies and such. duh! we cannot afford the way things are, so things need to change. and those people need to start taking more drastic measure and be willing to take a few steps down in lifestyle, so that this nation can survive and they dont completely lose lifestyle. they need to remember, that we the people need to thrive in order for them to succeed. we are the life blood of this nation and if we fail, they fall! remember that politians, ceo's and all you bastards out there not willing to really do what is necessary for this nation as a whole to survive. some of you might get pissed at my post and to those who do. i dont care, get over yourself and open your eyes.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My book

well heres my book. its a short book 64 pages. if your looking to publish something yourself i would suggest publish america. its free. they make money when you do. but you have to do alot of leg work. i hope its doing well. i m really happy with it, and if you want to check it out you can buy it online. its available on, and to name a few. it is sold on about forty different websites. but i hope those of you that enjoy poetry pick one up. the feedback i have gotten is positive. peace and love.

"Vivid desires, brilliant light.
Exude from souls abound.
Unfiltered ecstasies, unimaginable pain.
All blend together to become one in the same.
For without the pain there can be no pleasure.
The balance of the world held in the hearts."
well this is my first time blogging, but my friends suggested it and i usually have lots to say. more later. peace out.